Why Does My Car Charge Slower in the Cold?

As winter sets in, many electric vehicle (EV) owners experience a common concern: slower charging times. Understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon can help us manage expectations and optimize our charging practices during colder months. Here, we explore the key factors that contribute to slower charging in cold weather and offer effective strategies to mitigate these issues.

1. Increased Internal Resistance

One of the primary reasons EV batteries charge more slowly in cold temperatures is the increased internal resistance of lithium-ion batteries. As the temperature drops, the resistance within the battery cells rises, making it more difficult for electrons to flow freely. This higher resistance hinders the charging process, resulting in slower charging speeds. In essence, the battery struggles to accept energy as efficiently as it would under warmer conditions.

2. Reduced Chemical Activity

Cold weather significantly impacts the electrochemical reactions within the battery cells. Lower temperatures slow down these reactions, diminishing the battery’s ability to store energy effectively. Research indicates that at temperatures around 36°F (2°C), an EV battery may accept up to 36% less power compared to when it is charged at 77°F (25°C). This reduction in chemical activity directly contributes to longer charging times.

3. Battery Management System (BMS) Adjustments

To safeguard the battery from potential damage caused by extreme cold, the Battery Management System (BMS) may impose limitations on the charging speed. Even if a charger is capable of delivering higher power output, the BMS may restrict the charging rate to ensure safety and longevity. Additionally, some of the energy from the charger may be diverted to warm the battery to an optimal temperature before effective charging can commence.

4. Heating Requirements

Another factor affecting charging times in cold weather is the increased energy consumption from cabin heating systems. Using the heater draws additional power from the battery, which reduces the energy available for charging. Consequently, drivers may notice not only longer charge times but also a significant drop in range due to this heightened energy demand. This dual effect can exacerbate the inconvenience of slower charging.

5. Overall Efficiency Loss

Cold weather impacts not just charging efficiency but also the overall efficiency of EV systems. Various vehicle components, such as heating and traction control systems, must work harder in low temperatures, further draining battery resources and prolonging charging times. The cumulative effect of these demands can make winter driving and charging less efficient.

Mitigation Strategies

To optimize EV performance and counteract slow charging in cold weather, we can adopt several effective strategies:

Precondition Your Vehicle

Utilizing mains power to precondition the EV’s battery and cabin before driving can make a significant difference. Warming the battery improves its charging efficiency and reduces the time needed for it to reach an optimal operating temperature.

Park Indoors

Whenever possible, we should keep our vehicle in a heated garage. This simple step helps maintain the battery temperature and minimizes the impact of cold weather on charging efficiency.

Keep Battery Charged

Maintaining a charge level above 20% is advisable. This ensures that there is enough power available not only for heating but also for efficient charging. A well-maintained charge level can mitigate some of the negative effects of cold weather.

Monitor Charging Times

We should allow for longer charging times in colder temperatures and plan our charging sessions accordingly. By adjusting our expectations and schedules, we can ensure that our vehicles are adequately charged when needed.

Use Smart Charging Solutions

Many EVs come equipped with smart charging options that allow for optimization based on external temperature and battery conditions. Utilizing these features can further enhance charging efficiency and overall performance.


Understanding why our cars charge slower in the cold can empower us to take proactive measures to optimize battery performance during winter. By recognizing the impact of increased internal resistance, reduced chemical activity, BMS adjustments, heating requirements, and overall efficiency loss, we can implement effective strategies to mitigate these challenges. By following these guidelines, we can ensure our electric vehicles remain reliable and functional, even in the harshest winter conditions.